
World's Worst Search - Roger or GNB?

Google, as you probably know, has become the 500 pound gorilla on the Internet thanks to its ability to provide fast, relevant search results. It's so embedded in the online landscape that 'google' has become a verb meaning 'to look up online'.

But for every top dog, there has to be a bottom feeder. And it's tough to tell who is closest to whale shit, the lowest thing on earth. Is it Rogers or the Government of New Brunswick?

The GNB search functional has been laughably dysfunctional for years. Search for anything - I dare ya - and you'll get the most convoluted, confusing results you'd care to imagine. It's as though the software came with <random> turned on.

Rogers - which uses Yahoo! search - is just plain deceitful. Doubt me? A few months ago, Rogers started typosquatting. What's that? It's when you type something into the address box on your web browser - where you typically type a domain name - and you get it wrong. Used to be, you'd get a 'site not found' or a '4o4' error. But some genius at Rogers thought - this is a marketing opportunity.

Now in my simple mind, marketing works best when it's relevant. And if the Rogers / Yahoo! typosquatting search is anything, relevant it's not.

Type in 'weather' - to check out the hurricane that wasn't. And you get links to diets. (My web cam is off - it can't be that.)

Type in 'gogle' and you get links to wholesale sunglasses and the monstercrawler search engine.

And, to hoist them on their own petard, type in 'rogerz' and you get a B&B guide to Kentucky.

And try 'gnb'? You get Yahoo! retailers, and a bunch of US-based tax services.

Please, Rogers and the GNB - turn off random. Turn on relevant. Or pull the plug, cause your search sucks.



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