
It’s Official - We’re Expanding

When we first talked about AI nearly two years ago, Nadine said her students' use of generative AI tools spurred her to learn more. That led to us creating our first joint AI webinar for other members of the Canadian Freelance Guild designed to allay the fears of content creators that AI was about to take their clients.

We were both doing a lot of independent research and testing, and started sharing using an online project management system. When we combined our knowledge and skills bases, it became obvious that the sum was much greater than the parts.

Fast forward to the beginning of August, and we've just submitted our first joint proposal and have another in the works for next week. It felt historic yesterday when we pushed the SUBMIT button on the first formal collaboration during one of many Zoom meetings.

Here's a short version of Nadine's resume:

Dr. Nadine Robinson has been on the forefront of GenAI conversations through her work as a post secondary professor and out of a concern for how it will affect the writing industry. She has delivered multiple sessions on ChatGPT basics to the members of the Canadian Freelance Guild and the Travel Media Association of Canada. (And she also happens to have a Doctorate in Business Administration). She is an international award-winning freelance writer, best-selling non-fiction author, business professor, keynote speaker, and an op-ed columnist. She’s written for CAA, Paddling, and TravelLife Magazines, and Postmedia among others. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @theinkran.

And here is a link to her article that echoes the topic of our first joint presentation to the CFG:


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