
Is A.I. Coming for your Freelance Clients?

Shortluy after OpenAI released ChatGPT 3.5 as a free test version of their A.I. tool to the general public, and signing up 100 million registered users in just the first five days, myths began to spread about what this new set of tools could do. Replace writers? Make editors extinct? Generate all the photos we'll ever need? Mark the end of graphic designers? Make translators obsolete?

A colleague from my time working in the video game industry has been studying A.I. and its impact on gaming. Owen agreed to join me in combination interview and online show-and-tell. We examined the possiblities, the potential problems, and the myths.

The answer to the question, for the time being at least, was obvious: A.I. is not coming for your clients any day soon, BUT someone who knows how to use these tools and can produce equal quality of work at a much lower price is a threat to your business model.


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