
Canadian Wireless Monopoly to Govmint: You Kill Globalive, And We Promise to Feed on its Carcass

Canada's licensed providers of wireless communications, after slinging everything but poisoned arrows at Globalive's effort to break open their little cabal, are now offering to scoop up the uppity upstarts remains if only the CRTC will kill off the Egyptian-owned international wireless company's bid that could heave jeopardized the inalienable rights of Canadians to pay among the highest wireless communications rates in the world.

Go vultures!

Where would Canada be with competitive rates for wireless communications? On a slippery slope to higher wireless usage, more development, more interesting applications, higher sales for companies such as Reasearch in Motion, a more competitive environment for Canadian companies that rely on wireless, and even kids figuring out cool things to do with wireless that could be sold to people elsewhere in the world. Talk about a potential disaster.

This sounds so like the battle the Canadian telcos fought - and lost - to keep their customers chained to the rotary-dial phones that they were forced to rent when their customers wanted to buy, own and use the new phones that did so much more than the stuck-in-the-mud phone company versions.

Bring back the rotary phone. Demand higher wireless rates. Help protect the monopoly.



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